
Ripchord: The Complete Guide Plus Chord Presets [Updated 2024]

Ripchord: The Complete Guide Plus Chord Presets...

An overview of Ripchord. How to use it, features, and how to make the most of this chord generator.

Ripchord: The Complete Guide Plus Chord Presets...

An overview of Ripchord. How to use it, features, and how to make the most of this chord generator.

Beyonce Cowboy Carter album cover

Cowboy Carter & The Watchtower

Is the production style on Cowboy Carter the future of music production?

Cowboy Carter & The Watchtower

Is the production style on Cowboy Carter the future of music production?

How To Make Melodies from Chords

How To Make Melodies from Chords

If you have a chord or a chord progression it's quite easy to make a melody from that. In this article, I'll show you how to make melodies from chords....

How To Make Melodies from Chords

If you have a chord or a chord progression it's quite easy to make a melody from that. In this article, I'll show you how to make melodies from chords....

Blended Genres And Drum Patterns

Blended Genres And Drum Patterns

In 2024 we're going to see more blended genres. Here I play around with mixing drum patterns from different genres with Trap snares for some interesting results.

Blended Genres And Drum Patterns

In 2024 we're going to see more blended genres. Here I play around with mixing drum patterns from different genres with Trap snares for some interesting results.

Splice Beatmaker - The Complete Overview [With Video]

Splice Beatmaker - The Complete Overview [With ...

You may know Splice as the site/app that offers a ton of royalty-free sounds. Or perhaps you know it for its rent-to-own programs. But did you know it has it's...

Splice Beatmaker - The Complete Overview [With ...

You may know Splice as the site/app that offers a ton of royalty-free sounds. Or perhaps you know it for its rent-to-own programs. But did you know it has it's...

Music Production Courses

Music Production Courses

An overview of the best music production courses out there. From accredited schools and colleges, to EdTech companies, and music production companies. This article covers the benefits of many music...

Music Production Courses

An overview of the best music production courses out there. From accredited schools and colleges, to EdTech companies, and music production companies. This article covers the benefits of many music...